I have been really blessed this year with the beautiful people from my daughters school! Amber, Rick and their two boys, Quintin and Keaten make up this dynamic group of 4 well add Rascal their kitty in their and that a group of 5! We did this set of pictures at their home. There was no warming up for these two kiddos, as they are both all about having the attention on them. Shocking to me was Mr. Quintin, who was a total camera hog!!!! Please enjoy my favorites form the day:
Starting off with the radical Keaten:

His big brother Quintin:

And my favorite shot of the day, all five just enjoying each other:

We tried to get Rascal in there too, but I'm afraid I jinxed it by saying it would be easy.... not so much :) this is the best one we got outside and then he took off!

Told you about Mr. Camera hog right here: I guess they already knew about this condition and didn't warn me!

Gotta make mom and dad kiss, it's a rule!

My next favorite shot:

Check out this cool air band... I do believe Amber is the lead guitairist here!

the boys having some fun:

love this one:

the sun came out for a quick minute giving us some great shadows:

here is the "Christmas Card shot" gotcha Rascal....
thank you Rice family for inviting me into your beautiful home for some fun pictures!